Site Map
- .dotfiles
- .vimrc
- A Pragmatist's Guide to Literature
- A/B testing
- Abstractions
- Access Control Lists
- Achievements
- ACID Transactions
- Activation Functions
- Active Learning
- Actor-Model Computation
- Adi Shankaracharya
- administrator
- Advanced NLP with spaCy
- Advent of Code 2015
- Advent of Code 2023
- Advent of Code 2024
- Aesthetics
- Agency
- Agent
- Agentic AI
- Agile
- agile
- Agreement
- AirByte
- Alan Kay
- Albert Einstein
- Algebra
- AlgoIndex
- Algorithm Selection
- Algorithms
- Amartya Sen
- Ambition
- Amortization
- analogy
- Analytics
- Ansible
- anthropology
- Anti-Entropy Protocols
- AnyCast
- Anything as a service
- Apache Airflow
- Apache Beam
- Apache Bench
- Apache BookKeeper
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Flink
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache HBase
- Apache Hive
- Apache Hudi
- Apache Iceberg
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Mesos
- Apache Parquet
- Apache Pig
- Apache Pulsar
- Apache Spark
- Apache Storm
- Apache Zookeeper
- AppArmor
- Archetype
- Argo
- Argon2
- Aristocles(Plato)
- Aristotle Stagiritis
- Array
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Artificial Intelligence
- Aryabhata
- Assets
- Async-IO(python)
- Asynchronous Programming
- Attack Surface
- Attention
- Attention Is All You Need
- Audience
- Auditing-K8S
- Augmented Intelligence
- Authors
- AutoComplete
- AutoEncoder
- AutoGPT
- AutoRegressive Models
- AutoScaling-K8S
- Availability
- awk
- Axiology
- Axiom
- Backpropogation
- Backtracking
- balance
- Ball Trees
- Bandwidth
- Baruch Spinoza
- Basis Points (bps)
- Batch Computing
- Batch Norm
- Batman
- Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization
- bazel
- bcrypt
- Benchmarking
- Bertrand Russel
- BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance)
- Big Data
- Binary Heap
- Binary Tree
- Binomial Heap
- binomial trees
- bioDesign
- biology
- bioMimicry
- bioUtility
- BitMap
- Bits2Nats
- Blaise Pascal
- BLEK : beats, logstash, elastic search, kibana
- Blockchain
- Bloom Filter
- Book Reviews
- Boredom
- bottle necks
- Bounty Hunting
- Brain
- Brownfield Projects
- Bruce Lee
- buffer
- Build Automation
- Business
- Business Continuity Planning
- Byte Pair Encoding
- Byzantine Failure
- C.RackOS
- Cache Control Headers
- Cache Eviction Policies
- Caching
- Calculus
- Capex (Capital Expenditure)
- Capital
- Carl Jung
- Cartography
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Catrina Fake
- Centralization
- cgroups
- Chanakya
- Chaos Engineering
- Charaka
- Charles Darwin
- Charles Munger
- Chat System
- ChatBots
- Chip Huyen
- Cilium
- Class Imbalance
- Classification
- Client-Server Architecture
- Clive Stapes Lewis
- Clojure
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Consulting
- cloud native
- Cloud-Init
- CLTS: common lisp-the series
- Clustering
- Coda
- Cognitive Biases
- Cohere
- Collaborative Filtering
- Columnar Databases
- combinators
- Communication
- competence
- competitor
- Compiler
- Compiling GCC
- Complexity Classes
- Compliance
- Compression
- Computation
- Computational Complexity
- Computational Models
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks
- Computer Science
- Computer Vision
- Conceptual Exhaustion
- Concurrency
- Conditional Random Fields
- ConfigMap-K8S
- Configuration Management
- Connectionist AI
- conntrack
- Consensus
- Consensus Algorithms
- Consistency
- Consistent Hashing
- Consulting
- Container
- Container Network Interface
- Container Runtime Interface
- Container Storage Interface
- Containerd
- Content
- Content Delivery Network
- continuous bag of words
- contracts
- Control Theory
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- copy-on-write
- CoreDNS
- Correctness
- Cortex
- cosine similarity
- Cover Trees
- CozoDB
- Crawler Frontier
- cri-o
- Cross validation
- Crowd Psychology
- CryptoAssets
- Cryptography
- CS Glossary
- CS Wars
- CSP-Concurrency
- CTAMOCP (Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming)
- Cuckoo Filter
- Curiosity
- Curse of Dimensionality
- Custom Controllers-K8S
- Custom Resources-K8S
- customer
- Customer Service
- Cyber-Crime
- Cyber-Forensics
- Cyber-Security
- Cycle Detection
- Damage Control
- Dan Ariely
- Daniel Miessler
- Dask
- Data
- Data Architecture
- Data Augmentation
- Data Center
- Data Engineering
- Data Ingestion
- Data Lake
- Data Lakehouse
- Data Lineage
- Data Mart
- Data Mesh
- Data Partitioning
- Data Replication
- Data Science Hierarchy of Needs
- Data Scraper
- Data Structures
- Data Warehouse
- Database
- database engine
- Dataset
- datum
- David Clark
- Day-N Operations
- DCOps
- Debt
- Debugging
- Decentralization
- Decentralized Applications
- Decision Trees
- Deep Learning
- DeepEval
- Defense in Depth
- Degeneracy
- delivery
- Delta Architecture
- Delta lake: high-performance ACID table storage over cloud object stores
- demand
- Denial of Service
- Density Estimation
- Deployment Automation
- Design Patterns
- DevOps
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
- Digital Signal Processing
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Direct Preference Optimization
- Directed Acyclic Graph
- Disaster Recovery
- Distant Supervision
- Distributed Compute
- Distributed Hash Tables
- Distributed SDN
- DITAA (Diagrams through ascii art)
- Divide & Conquer
- dividend
- DML (Data Modeling Language)
- DNS (Domain Name System)
- Docker
- Document Stores
- Documentation
- Domain
- Domain Specific Languages
- Doom Emacs
- Dremel
- Dropout
- DSIndex
- Duck Typing
- DuckDB
- Dunning Kruger
- Dynamic File Views
- Dynamic Typing
- DynamoDB
- eBPF (extended Berkely Packet Filters)
- Economics
- Edge Computing
- Edge Side Includes
- EdgeRank
- Edmunde Burke
- Elasticsearch
- Elections
- Electricity
- Emacs
- Embeddings
- Emotions
- Employment
- Encryption
- Engineer
- Ensemble Algorithms
- Enterprise Architecture
- Entity
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment
- Envoy
- Ephemeral Volumes-K8S
- Ephemerality
- Epictetus
- Epicurus
- Epistemological Cartography
- Epistemology
- Epistemology vs Ontology
- Equity
- Ergo
- Erlang
- Error Rates
- etcd
- ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)
- Ethics
- Etymology
- Event Driven Architecture
- Eventual Consistency
- Expectation Maximization
- Experiment
- Exploration vs Exploitation
- Exponential Backoff
- Exports
- Extreme Programming
- Face Processing (CV)
- Failure
- Failure Detection
- Falco
- Fallacies of Distributed Computing
- Fault Tolerence
- Fear
- Feature Engineering
- Fedora
- Few Shot Learning
- ffmpeg
- Fibonacci Heap
- Ficus
- filesystem
- Finance
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Engineering
- Financial Literacy
- Fine Tuning
- FinOps
- Firewall
- First Principles
- fixed point iteration
- Flood-Filling
- flow
- Flow Based Models
- fluentd
- Flux
- Flynn's Taxonomy (computer archs)
- Framework Design
- Freidrich Nietzsche
- frink
- Functional Programming
- Functions
- Fuse: Filesystem in UserSpace
- Futures (finance)
- Games
- Garbage Collector
- Gated Recurrent Unit
- Gateway API-K8s
- Generalized Linear Models
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative AI
- Generative Modelling
- Genetic Algorithms
- genism
- Geo-Replication
- GeoDNS
- Geographic Information Systems
- geometry
- George Edward Moore
- George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- git
- GitOps
- Global Capability Centres (GCC)
- Gnutella
- Golang
- Gold
- Golden Datasets
- Gossip Protocols
- Gottfreid Liebniz
- Gradient Descent
- Grafana
- Graph Database
- Graph Neural Networks
- GraphQL
- Graphs
- Gratitude
- Gravity
- Greenfield Projects
- Group Theory
- GTD-starter-kit
- Guassian Mixture Models
- Guassian Processes
- Guy Royse
- Gvisor
- Hack
- Hacker Culture
- Hallucinate
- HandBrake
- Harbor
- Hardware
- Hashicorp Nomad
- Hashing
- Haskell
- Haystack
- health
- Healthcare
- Heap
- Heapsort
- Heat
- Hedge Funds
- Helm
- Helpfulness
- Henri Poincaré
- Henry Fielding
- Henry Ford
- Heraclitus
- Hermetic Builds
- Hinted Handoff
- History
- HolmesGPT
- Home Lab
- Homeostasis
- homoiconicity
- How to take smart Notes?
- Hugging Face
- Human 3.0
- Human Resources
- Hy
- Hyper Converged Infrastructure
- Hyper Text Markup Language
- Hypermedia Systems
- hyperplane
- Hypervisor
- I/O
- IaC (Infra as Code)
- ICBM (Intellectual Cluster Bootstrap Methodology)
- Idempotence
- Identity and Access Management
- IKN0Xes
- Image
- Imagination
- Immanuel Kant
- Immutability
- Imports
- Improvisation
- In-Memory Databases
- Incentive
- incremental learning algorithms
- Incremental Search
- Index
- Indic NLP and NLU
- Indirection
- Infiniband
- Inflation
- InfluxDB
- Information Extraction
- Information Theory
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructure as Code
- init.el
- init.vim+lua
- Initial-Public-Offering
- Input Multiplexer
- input-queue
- INR (Indian Rupee)
- Insertion Sort
- Insurance
- Intellectual Composition
- Interactions
- Interest Rates
- Internal Developer Platform
- Internet
- Internet Engineering Task Force
- Internet Relay Chat
- internet-consumption-log
- Interpretable ML
- Interpreters
- Intersection Over Union
- Intriguing Works
- Investment
- IoT
- IP (Internet Protocol) Address
- IP Subnetting
- IPTables
- IPv4
- IPv5 Lore
- IPv6
- IPVS (IP Virtual Server)
- Isaac Asimov
- Isaac Newton
- iterated functions
- Iteration
- Jaeger
- Java
- Javascript
- Jean Paul Sartre
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jeet Kune Do
- Jeff Bezos
- Jitter
- John von Neumann
- Josh Kaufman
- k-Means
- k-Nearest Neighbors
- K8s Controllers
- K8S Virtual Clusters
- K8s-MultiTenancy
- kaggle
- Kanban
- Kappa Architecture
- Karl Max
- Karl Popper
- Karpor-MCP
- KD Trees
- KEDA (Kubernetes Event-Driven AutoScaler)
- Kernel Languages
- Kernels
- Key-Value Stores
- Keyboard-Video-Mouse Switch
- Kick Boxing
- knowledge
- Knowledge Base
- Knowledge Graphs
- kubeconfig
- kubectl
- Kubernetes
- Kurt Gödel
- Kusion
- Kustomize
- labor
- Ladder Network
- Lagrange multipliers
- Lambda Architecture
- Lamport Timestamps
- Langchain
- Language
- Language Server Protocol
- Laozi
- Large Language Models
- Latency
- Latency Index
- Latent Variables
- Latex
- Law
- Lazy Evaluation
- Leaky Bucket
- Learning Curves
- Lease
- Lexer
- Liability
- Likelihood
- Linear Algebra
- linguistics
- Linked lists
- LinkerD
- Linux
- Linux Virtualization
- lisp
- lisp compiler
- lisp lambda lists
- lisp macros
- List
- literate programming
- Literature
- Llammaindex
- LLM-Security
- Load Balancing
- Loan
- LocalAI
- Locality of Reference
- Lode
- Logical Reasoning
- Logs
- Long Short Term Memory
- Loose Coupling
- loss
- Loss Function
- Louis L'Amour
- Low Rank Adaptation
- lstio
- LTCG (Long Term Captial Gains)
- LuaScript
- Lucidity
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
- LVS (Linux Virtual Server)
- Machine Learning
- Maglev
- MainFrame
- Manageability
- Management
- MapReduce
- Marcus Aurelius
- Mark Andreessen
- Mark Richards
- Mark Twain
- market
- Market Capitalization
- Market Cycles
- Market Research
- Marketing
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algos
- markup-languages
- Martin Heidegger
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Marvin Minsky
- Master Theorem
- mathematical induction
- Mathematics
- Matrix Calculus
- Matt Turck
- Max Stirner
- McCarthy's original Lisp
- MCP (Model Context Protocol)
- measurement
- Median-Finding
- Medicine
- Memcached
- Memoization
- Memory
- memory leaks
- memory management
- Merge Sort
- Merkle Tree
- mermaid-babel
- Message Brokers
- Message Passing Computation
- Meta-Programming
- MetaBase
- MetaController
- MetaData
- MetaFlow
- Microservices
- MiddleWare
- Migration
- Mind
- Mind AI
- minilang
- minimum spanning trees
- Mixture of Experts
- Miyamoto Musashi
- Moby
- ModemManager
- Modular Neural Networks
- Monad
- Money
- Monitoring
- Monkey Patching
- Monoid
- Monolith
- Morality
- Multi-Label Classification
- MultiModal AI
- Multimodal AI
- Multiprocessing
- MultiTenancy
- MultiTenant-Networking
- Mutability
- Mutual Exclusion
- My Work
- namespaces
- NAT (Network Address Translation)
- Natural Language Processing
- Natural Language Understanding
- Neal Ford
- Nearest Neighbor Searches
- needs
- Neo4j
- NeoVim
- netcat
- Network
- Network Casts
- Network Isolation
- network optimization
- Network Partitioning
- Network Policies-K8S
- Network Time Protocol
- Network Transparency
- Network Virtualization
- Networking
- Neural Networks
- NeuroInformatics
- Neuron
- Neuroscience
- NeuroSymbolic AI
- Neurosymbolic AI – Why, What, and How
- News Feed
- NewSQL Databases
- Nginx
- Nicollo Machiavelli
- Nmap
- Non-Euclidean Space
- Non-Linear Editing
- Nootropics
- Normal Distribution
- Notification System
- Nutrition
- Object Oriented Programming
- Object Relational Mappers
- Object Storage
- Observability
- Occam's Razor
- occupy-the-web
- Ollama
- One-class classification
- Ontology
- Open Policy Agent
- Open Source
- Open Source AI
- Open Stack
- OpenAI
- OpenAPI
- OpenCV
- OpenFlow
- Opensearch (& Dashboard)
- OpenTelemetry
- Operating System
- operations
- Operator
- Operator LifeCycle Manager
- Operators-K8S
- Opex (Operating Expense)
- opinions
- Optimistic Concurrency
- Optimization
- Options (finance)
- Orchestration
- Org-mode
- org-roam-mcp
- org-roam-publish
- organize
- OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model
- Outlier Detection
- output-queue
- Overfit
- Ownership
- P2P Protocol
- PAC Learning
- PageRank
- Paradoxes
- Parallelism
- Parameter Estimation
- Parmenides
- Parser
- Parsing
- Passport
- Patanjali
- Patience
- Patterns
- Paul Graham
- Paul Ramsey
- Paulo Freire
- Paxos Consensus
- Pension
- Performance Optimization
- Persistence (CS)
- Pessimistic Concurrency
- Pharma(ceuticals)
- philosophy
- Physics
- Pi Calculus
- PICC: pragmatics of intellectual consumption and creation
- pinecone
- Pipeline
- PL Theory
- plan
- PlantUML
- Platform Engineering
- Platform Orchestration
- Playwright
- Podman
- Poetry
- pointers
- Policy Networks
- Polling
- Polyglotism
- Polymathy
- polymorphism
- Polymorphism
- Portfolio
- Positional Encoding
- PostgreSQL
- Power
- Power Set
- Prefect
- Presto
- price
- Prim's Algorithm
- Principal Component Analysis
- Principal Engineer
- Principles
- Probabilistic Computing
- Probabilistic Design
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Probability
- problems
- process
- Processing
- Product
- Product Development
- Production Kubernetes
- profit
- Programming
- Programming
- Progress
- Progressive Disclosure of Complexity
- Project Management
- Project-Euler
- Projection
- Projects
- Prometheus
- Prompt Engineering
- Proof Theory
- protection
- Protocol
- Proxy Server
- Prune
- Pseudo
- Psychology
- Puppet
- PyAirByte
- Python
- Python GIL
- QSR (Quick Service Restaurants)
- Quality
- Quality of Service
- Quantum Information Theory
- quectel EM05G
- query planner
- Querying Databases
- questions
- Queue
- Quorum
- Quotes
- R-Trees
- RabbitMQ
- RackOS
- Raft Consensus
- Ragas
- rainbow table attacks
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
- RAM model
- Random Variables
- Rate Limiting
- Ravana(Ramayana)
- Ray
- ReAct
- reading
- Real Estate
- Real Time Computing
- Real Time Operating Systems
- Real Time Processing
- Reality
- Recommendation Systems
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Recursion
- Redis
- Redundancy
- Referential Transparency
- Regression
- Regular Expressions
- Regularization
- Reinforcement Learning
- Relational Database
- Relations
- Reliability Engineering
- Remote Procedure Calls
- Render Test
- René Descartes
- Representation Learning
- Representational State Transfer (ReST)
- Reproducible Builds
- Request For Comments
- Request-Driven Architecture
- Research
- Residual Neural Networks
- Resilience
- Resonant-with
- Resource Management-K8S
- Resources
- Restaurants
- Retail
- Retrieval Augmented Generation
- revenue
- Reverse Proxy
- Rhetoric
- Riak
- Risk
- Riza
- Roam Env
- Robotics
- robots.txt
- Role Based Access Control
- Role-Based Access Controls
- Rook
- RTLinux
- Runtime Classes-K8S
- Rust
- Sales
- salts(cryptography)
- Scala
- Scalability
- Scalar
- Scheduling Algorithms
- Scheduling-K8S
- Schema
- Scrum
- SDSec (Software-Defined Security)
- SDX (Software Defined Anything)
- Search
- Seccomp
- Secrets-K8S
- Security-K8S
- Selenium
- SELinux
- Semantic Analysis
- SemGrexPattern
- Semi-Supervised Learning
- Semiotics
- Sensor
- Sentiment Analysis
- Seq2Seq
- Sequence
- Sequence Classification
- Serialization
- Server Sent Events
- Server Side Includes
- Server Side Scripting
- ServerLess
- service
- Service Discovery
- Service Level Agreement
- Service Meshes
- Session storage
- Set Theory
- Seth Godin
- Shared Resource
- Short Message Service
- Siamese Neural Networks
- SICP-how-what-why?
- Side Effects
- side-channel-attack
- Sigmund Freud
- similarity
- Single Point of Failure
- skills
- Skin in the Game
- SkipGram
- Sloppy Quorum
- Snowflake ID
- Social Engineering
- society
- Softmax
- Software
- Software Architecture
- Software Defined Infrastructure
- Software Defined Networking
- Software Defined Radio
- Software Defined Storage
- Software Engineering
- Software-Defined Data Centers
- SOLID Principles
- Solid State Drive
- solutions
- Sorting
- Space Complexity
- Spacy 101
- Speaking
- Specialization
- Speech Recognition
- Spiffe
- spine-leaf-topology
- Spire
- Split Brain Syndrome
- Split-Brain Scenario
- sqlite
- SS Table
- Stable Sorting
- Stack
- stack overflow
- State
- StatefulNess
- StatelessNess
- Static Site Generators
- Static Typing
- Statistical Model
- Statistics
- Steven Pinker
- Sticky Sessions
- Stocks
- Storage
- Storage Isolation
- Storage-K8S
- Stow
- streams
- Stress
- Strong Consistency
- Structured data storage
- Subscription
- success
- Summarization
- Sun Tzu
- SuperComputers
- Supervised Learning
- Supplements
- supply
- Supply Chain Attacks
- Support Vector Machine
- Surreal-Org-Roam
- SurrealDB
- sustainability
- Swami Vivekananda
- Swarm Networks
- symbolic computation
- Symptom
- Synchronization
- Synthesist
- System
- System Design
- System Design Index
- Systems Engineering
- Sōkrátēs ho Aischínēs
- Tail Recursion
- Task Queuing
- TauByte
- Taxation
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
- Tech Confs & Events
- temporal credit assignment problem
- Tensor
- Terraform
- Testgrid
- Testing
- Text
- Text Classification
- Text Generation
- Text Representation
- text-embeddings
- Thanos
- The Analyst
- The Backend Burger
- The Browser Wars
- The Builder
- The Data Life Cycle
- The Editor Wars
- The Jargon File
- The List
- The March of Nines
- The Meta-Subject
- The Noisy Neighbor
- The Principle of Least Privilege
- The Read-Act-Write Protocol
- The Reader
- the Scientific Method
- The Skeptic
- The Theory of Creation and Consumption
- The Twelve Factor App
- The Will to Act
- The Writer
- the100pagemlbook
- theBitMage
- TheNatMage
- Thinking in Systems
- Thomas Carlyle
- threading
- Ticket Server
- TiKV
- Tim Ferris
- Time Complexity
- Time Series
- Time-Series Databases
- timeless
- Timestamps
- Timsort
- Tmux
- Token Bucket
- Topic Modeling
- Topological Sort
- Topology
- Trade
- Traefik
- Training Loop
- Tramp-Emacs
- Transfer Learning
- Transform
- Transformers
- Translation
- Transport Layer Security
- Travel
- Trie
- Trust
- Tuckr
- TUF (The Update Framework)
- Tunable Consistency
- Turing Machine
- Type Theory
- Ubiquity
- Unbiased Estimator
- Understanding Deep Learning
- Unicode Transformation Format
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Unique ID generation
- Unix
- Unstructured data storage
- Unsupervised Learning
- USB flash drive
- USD (US Dollar)
- Value
- Value Creation
- Vanishing/Exploding Gradients
- Vantage Point Trees
- Variable Scope
- Variational AutoEncoders
- Vector
- Vector Clocks
- Vector Database
- vector space model
- Vector Store Index
- Ved Vyasa
- Versioning
- Video Processing
- Vim
- virtual machine
- Virtual Private Server
- virtualization
- Virtue
- Visa
- Vision Transformers
- Vitess
- Volatility
- Voltaire
- Warren Buffet
- wasm
- Weak Consistency
- Wealth
- Web Crawler
- Web Dev
- Web Engineering
- Web Server Gateway Interface
- Web Sockets
- Webhooks
- WebHooks
- WebRTC
- WebServer
- Weights and Biases
- Werner Vogels
- What-would-X-read?
- Wikipedia
- William Shenstone
- Willian Blake
- Winston Churchill
- word2vec
- work-setup
- writers-block
- Writing
- Writing a lisp
- Writing a lisp in Golang
- writing-patterns
- wrk (HTTP Bench)
- yew
- Youtube
- Zero Trust Architecture
- Zipkin