Spacy 101

notes when following the tutorial The tooling itself (SpaCy) is referred throughout this zettelkasten as a sentinel subtree in the machine learning head. Once this has been processed, will also be processing (Advanced NLP with spaCy) into these notes

1. Overview

1.1. Features available

Task/Utilisation Existing Relevant Node
Tokenization Text Representation
Part of Speech Tagging Information Extraction
Dependency Parsing Information Extraction
Lemmatization Text Representation
Sentence Boundary Detection ---
Named Entity Recognition Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Entity Linking Named Entity Disambiguation and Linking (NED and NEL)
Similarity see cosine similarity for one approach
Text Classification Text Classification
Training ---
Serialization Serialization

1.2. Linguistic annotations

  • variety of tooling to gain insights into the grammatical structure of text being analysed.
    • word types (part of speech), further categorization eg:- nouns into subjects and objects. same words differentiated via their POS ("google" being a verb or a noun…)

1.3. Trained pipeline

Most of the features work independently but some require loading "trained pipelines". They're composed of the following:

  • binary weights for part of speech tagger, dependency parser, and NER
  • lexical entries : words and their attributes (spelling, length)
  • data files: lemmatization and lookup tables
  • word vectors: see Text Representation
  • configs: metadata to load the pipeline with appropriate configuration

1.3.1. Loading a pipeline

  • trained pipelines are loaded as Language objects
  • on the first call, the pipeline will be downloaded and installed
  • these Language objects are usually named as nlp
  • when passing text through a pipeline, we receive a processed Doc object
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")
for token in doc:
   print(token.text, token.pos_, token.dep_)
  • some convenient characteristics of a Doc object
    • is an iterable of tokens
    • each token has the attributes .text , .pos_ (part of speech) , and .dep_ (dependency relation)
    • no information is lost and all text (whitespace, unique characters) will still be accessible in the doc object
    • see

2. Elaborating

2.1. Tokenization

  • see Text Representation
  • segmenting text into words, punctuation and other similar discrete structures
  • this needs to be done smartly and based on context :- each period isn't a full stop ("U.S.A" for instance should be one token without any punctuations)
  • a trained pipeline (Language object usually addressed as nlp) when applied to a text, produces an iterable of tokens.
  • first step is splitting with whitespace, after which the splits are processed from left to right with the following checks:
    1. check if it is an exception
      • "don't" => "do" and "n't"
      • "U.K." stays the same
    2. check or splittable suffixes, prefixes and infixes
      • commas, periods, hyphens or quotes are candidates for such splits
      • anti-clockwise => "anti" and "clockwise"
  • each language needs its own set of extensive hard coded data and exception rules that need to be loaded when using that particular trained pipeline.
  • for further details and customization options, see :

2.2. Part of speech tags and dependencies

  • post tokenization, a Doc can be parsed and tagged.
    • the statistical models come into play at this stage.
  • linguistic annotations are available as attributes of token objects.
    • strings are hashed for efficiency, so defaults are integers:
      • tok.pos : integer hash of part of speech tag
      • tok.pos_ : the part of speech tag (string)
      • tok.dep : integer hash of the dependency tag
      • tok.dep_ : the dependency tag as string
    • conventions for attributes:
      • base word is the integer hash
      • _ appended yields the string tag
    • a summary of the attributes of a token is as follows:
      • text : the original text
      • Lemma : base form of the word
      • POS : simple part of speech tags in the format mentioned
      • Tag : detailed part-of-speech tags
      • Dep : syntactic dependency -> relation between tokens
      • shape : capitalization, punctuation and digits (eg: Apple -> Xxxxx, U.K. -> X.X., 3 -> d)
      • is alpha : predicate on the token being composed of only alphanumeric characters
      • is stop : predicate on the token being a stop word
  • spacy.explain("…") can be used to fetch short descriptions of tags and labels
  • extra tooling : for visualizations see DisplaCy

2.3. Named Entities

  • a named real world object…
    • person, country, product, book title, etc..
  • a doc object is an iterable of tokens by default
  • an iterable of entities can be fetched via doc.ents:
import spacy

# downloading and loading the languge object
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") 

# creating the document object
doc = nlp("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")

for ent in doc.ents:
  print(ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)

2.4. Word Vectors (embeddings) and Similarity

  • see Text Representation and specifically text-embeddings
  • note that small trained pipelines like "en\core\web\sm" (ending in "sm") don't ship with word-vectors
    • instead, use the variant ending in "lg" : "en\core\web\lg"
  • given the pipeline ships with vectors, normal objects like token, doc and span now have a vector attribute that defaults to the average of their token vectors.
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")

doc = nlp("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

# do note that this (comments in a paren block) is invalid python code
for token in doc:
    print(token.text, \ # original token text
          token.has_vector, \ # predicate on if this token has a vector representation
          token.vector_norm, \ # L2 norm of the token's vector
          token.is_oov)  # predicate for whether the token is out of vocabulary
  • now that token and token spans can be mapped to vectors, a notion of similarity arises ( see cosine similarity for a quick approach )
  • every Doc, Span, Token, Lexeme has a .similarity attribute.
  • note that non-singular spans have their vectors as the average of their constituent tokens.
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_web_core_lg")

doc1 = nlp("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
doc2 = nlp("a lazy dog shouldn't be able jump over a quick brown fox") 

# similarity b/w documents
print(doc1, "<->" doc2, doc1.similarity(doc2))

# similarity b/w tokens and spans
lazy_dog = doc2[1:3]
fox = doc1[3]

print(lazy_dog, "<->", fox, lazy_dog.similarity(fox))

2.4.1. Caveats with .similarity

  • vectors are averages of consitutuents :- that isn't necessarily a smart approach
  • averaging does not retain the order of words :
    • The butler killed the joker and the joker killed the butler will be represented with the same vector -> this probably definitely isn't what we want
  • similarity ulimately relies on the embeddings of the tokens that are dependent on the corpus from which these were obtained. Domain specific applications might require a special treatment over the usual similarity pipeline : for instance :
    • apple and microsoft
    • apples and oranges
  • for a more sensible approach to similarity than the vanilla one used in spacy, see sense2vec
  • for loading custom word vectors, see

2.5. Pipelines

When calling a Language object (named as nlp) on a text, post tokenization, the token sequence is pushed through various steps, collectively referable as a processing pipeline.


2.5.1. Details

Name Component Creates Description
tokenizer Tokenizer Doc tokenizes..
tagger Tagger Token.tag assign POS tags
parser DependencyParser Token.head, Token.dep, Doc.sents, Doc.noun_chunks assign dependency labels
NER EntityRecognizer Doc.ents, Token.ent_iob, Token.ent_type identify and label named entities
lemmatizer Lemmatizer Token.lemma assign lexemes
textcat TextCategorizer Doc.cats assign doc level labels
custom see custom components (Doc,Token,Span)._.<custom_attributes> assign custom stuff…

2.5.2. Configuration

  • Each pipeline needs to be configured dependent on what task(s) it wishes to tend to
  • this is done via the config
pipeline = ["tok2vec", "tagger", ["parser"], "ner"]
  • the ordering of the components does matter if they share context for their outputs.

2.5.3. Further usage and customization

2.6. Architecture


briefly explaining the above flow:

  • text is input into a language object
  • the language object consists of the tokenizer and the pipeline
  • the tokenizer creates the Doc object and tokenizes the text
  • the pipeline (with trained components from other doc objects (examples)) then processes the doc object accordingly
    • an example is a collection of two doc objects (reference data and predictions)
  • all through out, to avoid duplication of strings, we have a vocab that maintains a store of lexemes for the text.
  • these are referred to by the tokens and spans in the doc object.
  • post processing, the relevant results are extracted from the Doc object

2.6.1. Container objects

The major nodes in the flowchart above are referred to as container objects. here is a brief description

Name Description
Doc the main parent contianer to access linguistic annotations
DocBin a collection of Doc objects for efficient binary serialization
Example a pair of two Doc objects: reference data and predictions
Language (tokenizer + pipeline) that transforms text into Doc objects
Lexeme an entry in the vocab. without any context. independent datum.
Span a slice of tokens from the Doc object
SpanGroup a named collection of spans in a Doc
Token an atom in the vocab (word, punctuation, whitespace, etc.)

2.6.2. Processing Pipelines

  • collation of multiple pipeline components that are called in order in the Doc object.
  • the tokenizer is separate from this and is run before them all
  • a pipeline can be added via Language.add_pipe by supplying the statistical model and/or trained weights. Alternatively, supplying rule-based modifications to the Doc is also possible.
  • what follows is an overview of some components that can be added via spaCy
Name Description
AttributeRuler set token attributes using matcher rules
DependencyParser predict synctactic dependencies
EditTreeLemmatizer predict base forms of the tokens
EntityLinker disambiguation for named entities (into nodes) in a knowledge base
EntityRecognizer predict named entities
EntityRuler add entity spans to the doc using token based rules or extract phrase matches
Lemmatizer determine base forms using rules and lookups
Morphologizer predict morphological features and coarse-grained POS tags
SentenceRecognizer predict sentence boundaries
Sentencizer implement rule-based sentence boundary detection, without the DependencyParser
Tagger predict POS tags
TextCategorizer predict categories and labels over the whole documnent
Tok2Vec apply a token to vector model and set its outputs
TrainablePipe base class from which all trainable pipeline components inherit
Transformer use a transformer and set its outputs
other functions apply custom functions to Doc in a pipeline :- convenience and uniformity of processing

2.6.3. Matchers

Pattern matching for Doc objects :- used to find and extract information. They operate on Docs, yielding access to matched tokens in context.

Name Description
DependencyMatcher match sequences based on dependency trees using SemGrexPattern
Matcher match sequences of tokens, based on pattern rules, similar to regex
PhraseMatcher match sequences of tokens based on phrases

2.6.4. Misc

checkout other relevant classes in other classes

2.7. Vocabs, Hashes and Lexemes

  • The default preference is to have a single storage of a unique token in the vocab where it is referred to by multiple documents.
  • strings are encoded to hash values
  • this also applies to meta-data (tag-strings like "VERB" or "ORG" (entity type)) :- they're also hashed
  • All internal communication (for the spaCy lib) is carried out via hashes

2.7.1. Summarizing Relevant Lingo

Object Description
Token word, punctuation, etc in context (includes attributes, tags and dependencies
Lexeme word type, without context (includes word shape and flags (for data type (lowercase, digit, etc)))
Doc a processed containement of tokens (therefore, also carries context)
Vocab a collection of lexemes
StringStore a bidirectional mapping b/w hashes and strings

Do note the storage units in the flowchart below with their internal maps


import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp("I don't drink coffee")
print(doc.vocab.strings["coffee"])  # 3197928453018144401
print(doc.vocab.strings[3197928453018144401])  # 'coffee'

Note that the same attribute of vocab is referred to lookup strings and hashes.

The only point of maintaining context is the doc object via relations between tokens.

2.7.2. Attributes of a Lexeme

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp("I don't drink coffee")
for word in doc:
    lexeme = doc.vocab[word.text]
    print(lexeme.text, # original text
     lexeme.orth,      # hash value
     lexeme.shape_,    # abstract word shape
     lexeme.prefix_,   # default - first letter of word string
     lexeme.suffix_,   # default - last three letters of word string
     lexeme.is_alpha,  # predicate on existence of alphabetic characters
     lexeme.is_digit,  # predicate on existence of digits
     lexeme.is_title,  # predicate on the lexeme being in title case
     lexeme.lang_)     # language of the lexeme

2.8. Serialization

  • to save stuff, see Serialization
  • spacy offers inbuilt functionality for the same, via pickle
    • pretty convenient, check dill for advanced functionalities
  • All container classes (Language, Doc, Vocab, StringStore) expose this functionality via the following
Method returns instance
.to/bytes bytes data =
.from/bytes object nlp.from/bytes(data)
.to/disk -"path")
.from/disk object nlp.from/disk("path")

read more on saving and loading here

2.9. Training

  • most pipeline components that spacy uses are statistical (weight based).
    • rule based pipes can also be incorporated but not focusing on that right now
  • these weights are decided upon post training that model
  • A generic treaty on training models is explored in the node : Training Loop
  • for specific info on how to train models in spacy, see this page

2.10. Language data

  • shared and specific language data are stored in their respective directories when working with multiple languages
  • some relevant lingo to this store is as follows
Name Desc.
Stop words (stop/ list of most common words in a language that one would benefit from when filtered out
Tokenizer exceptions (tokenizer/ special-case rules for tokenization (contractions and abbreviations for instance..)
Punctuation rules ( regex for splitting tokens (for punctuations, prefixes, suffixes, and infixes)
Character classes (char/ character set to be used in regex
Lexical attributes (lex/ custom functions to add lexical info ("like/num" for instance to detect "seven", "ten", etc)
Syntax iterators (syntax/ functions to compute views of a Doc object based on syntax. used only for noun-chunks as of now
Lemmatizer (, spacy-lookups-data) custom lemmatizer implementation and lemmatization tables

3. Conclusion

  • this should serve as a quick index into what spacy can be used for and how.
  • it also houses relevant links to internal and external nodes that may be used to explore the same with greater depth.
  • further objectives include some practical exploration and populating Advanced NLP with spaCy simultaneously