
1. Basics

1.1. What?

1.2. How?

  • when a VM first boots up on a cloud instance, a configuration process is run (cloud-config)
  • this doesn't run on reboots but only on the first initialization

1.3. Where?

  • works with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, OpenStack, and more.
  • also functions in private cloud setups and even for bare-metal installations.

1.4. Why?

  • Automation: Saves time and effort in manual VM configuration, especially when managing multiple instances.
  • Consistency: Provides a standardized way to set up your VMs across different cloud environments.
  • Scalability: easier to launch and configure numerous VMs on demand.

2. Specifics

2.1. General Tasks

Cloud-init handles common initial configuration tasks for VMs:

  • Setting the Hostname: Ensuring your VM has a unique name.
  • Network Configuration: Setting up network interfaces for communication.
  • Installing Packages: Installing essential software and updates.
  • Managing Users and SSH Keys: Creating users and authorizing SSH keys for secure login.
  • Executing Custom Scripts: Running scripts to perform any specific setup tasks you need.

2.2. Working Mechanism

The four stages of cloud-init in chronological order of execution:

2.2.1. Init Local

  • runs as early as possible in order to allow cloud-init to generate

network configuration and activate networking.

  • run as soon as the root filesystem is mounted read-write.
  • Cloud-init will go and search for any local data source objects that may allow it to obtain metadata to configure the system.
  • If any information is received cloud-init will proceed to setup networking devices, including bridges, bonds, vlans, etc.

2.2.2. Init

  • runs after networking is up and searches for any network data sources to find metadata for the system.
  • allows for custom storage configurations and expanding disk volumes to occur very early on.
  • also make any changes requested to make to the block devices as well as setup file systems.
  • the user-data for the system is obtained for use during the next stage.

2.2.3. Modules Config

  • follows immediately after the previous one to guaranteed networking and begins running the cloud-init config modules.
    • SSH keys are imported
    • apt or yum is configured
    • time related services are configured

2.2.4. Modules Final

  • runs at the very end of the boot process.
  • involves package install and configuration via user-scripts.
  • Puppet and chef tools are setup and configured, and finally the final message module is run.