Information Extraction

see Practical NLP (book)

1. Misc

  • extracting relevant information (structured query-response pair) from a given text (unstructured data)
  • is a relatively complex task than classification and requires further preprocessing/more complicated representations (part of speech tagging for instance) than just getting away with treating text as tokens.
  • a different pipeline may need to be employed dependent on how the knowledge base is structured - queryable knowledge bases have to be treated differently than a collection of documents without much metadata.

2. Applications

  • Tagging news and other content -> topic recognization by search engines for quick displays.
  • Chatbots -> understanding references to entities in a conversation, and understanding their nature (location, person, etc) to be able to respond appropriately.
  • Social media monitoring : evolution of an event related to specific topic aka crowd sourcing potential news.
  • processing structured documents (forms and receipts) : OCR + NLP

3. Tasks in IE

The simpler ones can be categorized into the below. Complex combinations of the following/spinoffs thereoff will be explored in dedicated nodes.

3.1. Key Phrase Extraction (KPE)

3.1.1. Misc

  • representing the gist of the text with concise phrases
  • can be use for searching, summarizing, tagging…
  • tackled with both supervised and unsupervised learning
    • supervised approaches require labelled corpora (text-keyphrase pairs) and can use both ML / DL
    • unsupervised approaches are preferable when manual effort isn't preferable
      • they're domain agnostic and therefore more popular as a starting point (see MVP)

3.1.2. Approach

  • in most unsupervised approaches : phrases/words are represented by nodes in a graph with weights signifying their importance. Keyphrases are then identified by analysing their connected with the rest of the graph. The algorithm may then report top-n such nodes.
    • choosing what phrases form the nodes is a source of another degree of freedom when implementing the algorithms.
  • see Textacy (built upon Spacy)-> implements TextRank and SGRank
  • see genism -> implements TextRank
  1. Practical
    • naive usage of the graph based algorithms will be too slow for large documents in production and requires some hard coded intelligence to deal with such cases (eg: checking for key phrases only at the top and bottom of the document (one would expect the introduction/conclusion to be a good representation of the documents intent))
    • post processing is necessary for noise-free results (prepositions, subsets of other results, etc).
    • The algorithm may be explicitly tweaked as another way to deal with the above problem.

3.2. Named Entity Recognition (NER)

3.2.1. Misc

  • identifying named entities in a document without explicitly given info for the same -> "where was Anakin Skywalker born?".
    • The algorithm has to figure out that Anakin is a fictitious character, and extract the name of the ficitious place where he was born (Tatooine).
  • entities can be names of persons, locations, organizations … context specific strings like monetary figures, law numbers etc.
  • NER is also a major precursor to the tasks that follow in this buffer

3.2.2. Approaches

  • straight-forward way -> maintain a large collection of type-entity pairs -> termed as a gazetteer. The problem is reduced to that of a lookup : this is a good starting point if the collection is large.
    • basically turns into the maintenance of a data structure (search, insert, deletion etc..) and choosing a representation for specific cases (aliases, for instance)
  • The next step is rule-based NER -> operates by storing common patterns based on word tokens and part of speech tagging. see Named Entity Recognition | CoreNLP and SpaCy's EntityRuler · spaCy API Documentation
  • Practically, ML models are preferable over hard-coded intelligence.
    • a decision has to be made for each word for whether it is an entity (similar to a Text Classification problem for each word -> a sequence annotation/labelling problem -> context is important for each word and one can't classify them independently -> first and last names for instance, or words only indistinguishable via context (river bank, investment bank)).
  • architecturally speaking, Conditional Random Fields are popular sequence classifier choices.
  • exploring Sequence Classification completely in another node.

3.3. Named Entity Disambiguation and Linking (NED and NEL)

3.3.1. Misc

  • consider : "Lincoln drives a lincoln aviator and lives on lincoln way"
    • all three mentions of lincoln are different and should be tagged to different entities -> say their wikipedia pages
  • also relies on context like NER.
    • might also need coreference resolution to resolve and link multiple references to the same entity. (eg: intial full-name, pronouns, titles, etc for a human referred in multiple ways in a passage)
  • NEL is a prerequisite for further tasks in the NLP pipeline as shown in the flowchart below in this buffer

3.3.2. Approaches

  • is typically modelled as a supervised ML problem and evaluated in terms of Classification Evaluation Metrics like precision, recall and f1-scores.
  • off-the-shelf APIs are the way to go if specialized domains aren't needed and one doesn't wish to develop an inhouse solution.
  • when incorporating in existing solutions, domain specific oddities won't be captured when using readily available services

3.4. Relation Extraction

3.4.1. Misc

  • NEL will be a prerequisite to Relation Extraction
  • objective is to produce 3-tuples in the format of (entity 1, relationship tag, entity 2) : for instance (Steve Jobs, Former CEO, Apple Inc) is potentially useful relation that could be extracted from the (corpus for the task) book "Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson".
  • it's an important step towards building a knowledge base which can further be employed to improve search and solve question-answering tasks.

3.4.2. Approaches

  • handwritten patterns (regex) are a basic start
    • accurate when the format is known for sure but won't be able to cover all kinds of relations within a generic corpus
  • from an ML perspective : Relation extraction can be formulated as supervised classification problem. The dataset is a collection of predefined relations, similar to classification categories.
    • the task is then reduced to identifying if (binary classification) and how(multiclass classification) two entities are related.
  • see Distant Supervision
  • Unsupervised Relation extraction (aka open IE) aims to extract relations without relying on existing training data or a list of relations: the relations may be in the form of (verb, argument 1, argument 2,...).
    • for instance :- (published, Albert Einstein, The theory of relativity, in 1915) -> this can be further broken down into 3 relations with only two of the arguments in each.
  • again, off-the-shelf APIs are preferred if a domain specific solution isn't needed -> see Watson API for RE

3.5. Temporal Information Extraction

  • extracting date and time info from text
  • converting to a standard format for further use (calendars, meet schedulers, etc)
    • referred as "Temporal IE and normalization" altogether
  • see library : python Duckling

3.6. Event Extraction

  • treated as a supervised learning problem in NLP literature.
  • contemporary approaches use sequence tagging and multilevel classifiers.
  • identify events over time, chain them, link them and so on ..

3.7. Template Filling

  • extracting entities from a common template the occurs several times
  • Linking entities to build an an entity graph
  • templates to be filled are pre-determined
  • modelled as two stage, supervised task (similar to relation extraction)
    • is a template present in a given sentence?
    • what are the candidates for that template in that sentence?

4. Generic IE Pipeline

Numeric bullets signify a step in the pipeline and indents signify what task they contribute to. This will be directed and acyclic.

  1. Raw text
  2. Word Tokenization -> Key Phrase Extraction (KPE)
  3. Part of Speech Tagging -> Key Phrase Extraction (KPE) -> Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  4. Syntactic Parsing -> Named Entity Disambiguation and Linking
  5. Coreference Resolution -> Named Entity Disambiguation and Linking -> Relation Extraction -> Temporal Information Extraction (events/durations)

