1. Overview

1.1. Kubernetes (K8S) DNS Overview

  • Kubernetes includes a built-in DNS server that correlates with the services within the cluster.
  • When a new service is created, the DNS server is notified and can manage DNS records accordingly.
  • DNS names follow the format <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.
  • The DNS server helps with service discovery, allowing Kubernetes services to communicate seamlessly.
  • CoreDNS is the default DNS solution from version 1.13 onwards, replacing kube-dns.

1.2. Functional Components of K8S DNS

  • Service Discovery: Simplifies the process of finding and connecting with services by names rather than IPs.
  • Pod DNS Resolution: Each pod can query the DNS system, facilitating interaction with other services.
  • ClusterDNS: Configures kubelets to communicate with the DNS server for name resolutions.
  • CoreDNS Configuration: Provides flexibility and supports various plugins for handling DNS queries efficiently.