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1. Stream

1.1. 0x21C4

Initialized the rhetoric node and thinking A starting point would be questioning the societally accepted virtues. One that I personally did so heavily early on in my life up until around 2 years ago was the virtue of patience.

  • unless you really don't question the worth of a quality, you're not actually virtuous enough when you choose to exercise that due to a prescription.
  • Most such virtues don't and probably shouldn't be inherent to us.

Honesty is something that again, is prescribed to us when we're kids and I haven't surveyed any toddlers but I think they're equally likely to display signs of deceit as much as they have a propensity for inate honesty.

Rather than questioning the superiority of one over the other, I'd rather prefer looking into the intrinsic incentives that are coupled with such exhibitions.

Incentives seem to play a universal role when trying to comprehend society as a whole as well as when it comes to individual psychology.

Variables such as if you're the individual or if you're a part of the crowd concerned play prominent roles in your perception of those particular incentives via your moral lens.

For instance, I'm guessing you'd have very different moral reservations when it comes to severity of a punishment based on whether you're an independent observer or the victim of a crime.

I'm also guessing that defining such prominent subjects without absolute axioms and basing them on relative scenarios isn't a good seed for the healthy growth of a domain.
