Multi-Label Classification

  • each feature vector has multiple prediction labels associated with it.
    • classification isn't exclusive, it's about identifying the applicable labels than comparing them.
  • this can be targeted using the one-verses-rest strategy.
    • with a new threshold hyperparameter
      • if the probability for a class exceeds that threshold, we add this label to the overall label set for that feature vector
    • repeated for each label out of all possible labels
  • Neural Networks can target this naturally by using a binary cross entropy loss function for each possible label
    • the loss then is the average for all these losses for each label associated with a sigmoid activation in the output layer.
  • In some cases, it might be possible to separate the label into cartesian products of mutually exclusively applicable labels

    • check this example for the same
    Combination number label: set 1 label: set 2 actual label set
    1 photo portrait {"photo","portrait"}
    2 photo paysage {"photo","paysage"}
    3 photo other {"photo","other"}
    4 painting portrait {"painting","portrait"}
    5 painting paysage {"painting","paysage"}
    6 painting other {"painting","other"}