
1. Abstract

ncat - Concatenate and redirect sockets

ncat [OPTIONS...] [hostname] [port]

2. Overview

  • Functionality: Feature-packed networking utility for reading and writing data across networks via command line.
  • Origin: Developed for the Nmap Project.
  • Purpose: Reliable back-end tool providing instant network connectivity for other applications and users.
  • Compatibility: Works with both IPv4 and IPv6.

2.1. Key Features

  • Ncat Chaining: Ability to chain multiple Ncats together.
  • Port Redirection: Supports redirection of TCP, UDP, and SCTP ports to other sites.
  • SSL Support: Secure connections with SSL.
  • Proxy Connections: Compatible with SOCKS4, SOCKS5, and HTTP proxies, with optional proxy authentication.

2.2. General Principles

  • Enables instant networking support for software that would typically lack such capabilities.

3. Usage Examples

  1. Simple Chat Server/Client:
    • Server:

      ncat -l 1234
    • Client:

      ncat hostname 1234
  2. File Transfer:
    • Sender:

      ncat -l 1234 < file.txt
    • Receiver:

      ncat hostname 1234 > file.txt
  3. Port Scanning:

    ncat -z -v hostname 20-80
    • -z: Zero-I/O mode (used for scanning).
    • -v: Verbose (provides detailed output).
  4. Port Forwarding:

    ncat -l localhost 1234 --sh-exec "ncat 5678"
    • This command forwards traffic from localhost:1234 to

3.1. Caveats:

  • Security Risks:
    • Unencrypted Data: Without SSL, data sent via Netcat can be easily intercepted.
    • Unauthorized Access: If not properly secured, Netcat can be exploited for unauthorized access.
  • Firewall/IDS:
    • Netcat traffic might be blocked or flagged by firewalls or Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
  • Performance:
    • It’s not optimized for high-performance data transfer.

Netcat Alternatives:

  • socat: More feature-rich with better fine-grained control.

    socat TCP4-LISTEN:1234,reuseaddr,fork FILE:file.txt
  • nmap's Ncat: Extended version of Netcat with more features.

    ncat --ssl -l 1234

For more detailed documentation on Ncat, refer to the [Nmap’s Ncat documentation](
