
1. Stream

1.1. 0x22C9

1.1.1. Intro

  • techno-talkthrough
    • larger, overarching concept
    • rapid practical examples
  • This video:
    • idea is to build the conceptual idea buff stackability in you tools
    • the collaborative interop is greater than the individual worths of these tools

1.1.2. Buff Stacking Emacs

  • the extensibility allows the community to be flexible and build all sorts of things
  • can fit your needs (whatever they are)
  • sensible defaults with doom emacs can get you started quickly
  • to the pragmatics right away
  • the toolsets stack on each other due to powerful & uniform underlying representation
  • lisp machine: I'm actively exploring this more and will soon publish fully-baked content

1.1.3. Pragmatics

  • version control anything: magit
    • faster porcelain than the cli
    • dedicated video coming in soon
  • LLM interface as a text buffer
  • eww -> firefox
  • lsp-mode (+ dap + treesitter)
    • polyglotic programming ++
    • generic programming hooks (M-x compile, etc)
  • org -> blogs, todos, capture buffers, notes, literate programming, babel
    • dedicated video coming soon
  • context-aware snippets
    • python
    • go
    • markups, org, markdown
  • dired, projectile, buffer, proc, file management
    • can also use external proc management if you prefer that
    • I prefer btop as a decent monitor of all (metrics) at once
      • temp, other misc stuff
      • compute(CPUUtils, mem), storage(IOPs), networks(B/s)
      • proc management
    • I like it this way: wouldn't want monitoring emacs from emacs
  • I can't even claim to be an efficient emacs user yet
    • don't use elisp as much yet (other than configs), working actively on that front

1.1.4. Emacs as your OS

  • Emacs as your OS (lucky to spend 90% of my day in emacs)
    • for the modal humans our there : emacs is my normal mode now
    • can further minimize context switching by altering your workflows into more keyboard oriented modalities
      • firefox + vimium
      • i3wm if you're Xorg, I'm on wayland so sway

1.1.5. What Next?

  • I also blog : check out the bitmage.com
    • if you're into text (site.xml RSS at the bottom left)
  • a lot of emacs stuff coming in your way
  • also will get into a lot of CLI LINUX/UNIX/GNU in a phase later on
  • thanks for tuning in, this was the bitmage

1.2. 0x21BD

  • studying how org-lists work : might try to extend the features with something useful of my own

1.3. 0x21B0

  • will be altering the work space and the required mindset that allows me to run emacs as a client with an ever-running daemon

1.4. 0x2178

  • I already use vim bindings in emacs but I do miss the command line
  • have decided to go minimal for my work and retain emacs for personal projects and writing
  • reading up on the unix philosophy and aiming to become a true shell ninja.
  • knowing about Unix operating system does excite me and do hope to learn a lot more
  • I'll definitely never give up emacs but a basic awareness of the operating system with the utilities of a CLI do encourage me to get good at both ecosystems
  • starting a similar Vim stream to log all my works, I'll be keeping the vimrc simple this time and not be using a lot of external plugins but rely on the vanilla features of vim
  • already excited about getting back to a dark green terminal screen..

1.5. 0x2127

  • youtube video on navigating the text editing landscape
    • on why one should not settle even in 2023
  • starting with the skills necessary to efficiently edit text
    • touch typing -> efficient navigation (vim) -> playing with the nuts and bolts (emacs)
      • why not VS code?

1.6. 0x211F

  • thinking of writing and emacs extension
    • visualizing my knowledge graph in an interactive manner
    • existing extensions do exist but it would be a good experience building it from scratch
    • will be proceeding formally and take it up as a proper initiative

1.7. 0x211E

Started using smudge (spotify on emacs) : more time in emacs… Thinking of summarizing my init.el in a blog : been around 2-3 years since I last did that

1.8. 0x2118

The single greatest tool choice I've ever made in terms of editing efficiently (right along side vim : I use Evil GccEmacs 28 as of now)

3. Refs

4. Utilities

4.1. Org-mode

4.2. Tramp
