Fibonacci Heap

1. Overview

  • Definition:
    • A Fibonacci heap is a type of data structure that consists of a collection of trees following the properties of a min-heap (or max-heap). It allows for very efficient merging of heaps and is used in network optimization algorithms.
  • Structure:
    • The Fibonacci heap is composed of a collection of heap-ordered trees, structured in such a way that the minimum element is always accessible.
    • Nodes within the trees can hold more than one child, forming a Fibonacci-like structure, hence the name.
  • Key Operations:
    • Insertion: Adds a new element to the heap in constant time, O(1).
    • Finding Minimum: Provides access to the minimum element in O(1) time.
    • Union: Merges two heaps in O(1) time; this is one of the highlights of Fibonacci heaps.
    • Decrease Key: Decreases the key of a node, which takes amortized O(1) time.
    • Delete: Removal of the minimum element within O(log n) time.
  • Applications:
    • Primarily used in graph algorithms such as Dijkstra's and Prim's algorithms, where efficient priority queue operations are paramount.
    • Useful in scenarios where merge operations are frequent and optimized performance over several operations is needed.

2. Operational Breakdown and Explanation

  • Amortized Analysis:
    • Fibonacci heaps leverage amortized analysis to ensure that while individual operations may seem costly, the average time per operation over a sequence of operations is efficient.
    • This is particularly relevant for operations like decrease key and delete.
  • Operational Complexity:
    • Insert: O(1) - This operation simply adds the new element to the list of roots.
    • Find Minimum: O(1) - Constant time access to the minimum element.
    • Union: O(1) - Combining the root lists of two Fibonacci heaps.
    • Decrease Key: O(1) amortized - The node is cut from its parent and added to the root list; potential restructuring happens lazily.
    • Delete: O(log n) - Involves decreasing the key to negative infinity followed by removing the minimum element.
  • Heuristic Characteristics:
    • Lazy Merging: Allows for efficient merging of heaps and defers the restructuring to later operations.
    • Tree Structure: Each tree is a min-heap, which guarantees that the minimum element is always accessible.