Ensemble Algorithms

  • instead of learning one super-accurate model, focus on training a large number of low-accuracy models (voters) and then comibining predictions by these weaker models to obtain a high accuracy meta-model
  • low-accuracy models are generally modelled by weak learning algorithms : they're faster to train and during inference.
    • each does at least slightly better than random guessing then one can obtain a high accuracy model by combining a large number of such weaker models.
  • weighted voting is a possibility

1. Paradigms

1.1. Bagging

  • using multiple weak models (trained on slightly tweaked training data)

1.2. Boosting

2. Some commonly used algorithms:

2.1. Random Forest

2.2. Gradient Boosting

  • essentially stacking models instead of using them independently
  • a rough outline of the procedure (for Regression):
    1. build a model (say f0) and generate predictions
    2. identify residuals (difference between predictions and actuals) for each feature vector
    3. train a new model(say f1) for this set of feature vectors and residuals
    4. set the new predictor as (f0 + alpha*f1)
      • alpha is a hyperparameter (learning rate)
    5. repeat with this new predictor as the new f0 until residuals have been reduced satisfactorily
  • boosting reduces bias (helps target underfitting issues) rather than work on variance (bagging helps with that)
  • boosting is prone to overfitting
    • this can be controlled by tuning the base models power (depth in trees, degree of polynomial in linear regression, etc) and the number of subsequent iterations
  • read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_boosting
  • classification can be adapted to gradient boosting by modelling it as a logistic regression problem.
  • the modifiable predictor will be the exponent of the natural number in this case, before we wrap it with a sigmoid
  • more powerful than random forests and slower due to the sequential nature of building the model
  • consider reading more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_boosting