
A mathematical protocal used to represent suitable abstractions using nodes and links. Forks thereoff arise with variations in properties of these nodes and links.

1. Basic Components

  • Nodes : a representative point for an entity
  • Edges : a connection with optional properties between entities

2. Prominent Variants

3. Forks/Deviants

4. Practical Instances

4.1. Systems

  • A lot of practical components acheiving minor tasks, when compiled into one functioning that works towards certain defined objectives, can be modelled as a graph.
    • exploring this representation application with minor details further in the system node.

4.2. Networks

  • captures the notion of a collection of components that communicate/relay certain entities via connections with each other.
    • computer networks are an immediate obvious examples.

4.3. Schedule Generation for Distributed Processes

  • when trying to parallelize computations with dependents from several components, one can model the computation sites and temporal dependency links as a Directed Acyclic Graph and apply Topological Sort to generate computation schedules.
  • checkout Parallelism for a more fundamental treatment of the above.