Text Classification

see Classification (this node collates notes specific to classification in nlp)

To classify given textual sequences into one or more known data classes.

1. Primitives

2. Text-Classificaton Pipeline

3. Deep Learning Approaches

  • two base architectures used for tackling NLP tasks : CNNs and RNNs. The rest will be variants and/or major enhancements but these do capture the initial approaches towards the tasks
  • in addition to the processing text for traditional machine learning pipelines, we might need to pad sequences to make tokenized sequences of the same length - these might call for attentionmasks before further processing.
    • transforming these to embeddings by references from an embedding matrix is what is done next before feeding this preprocessed input into the network

3.1. CNNs

  • employ 1d CNNs post pre-processing.
    • embed, convolve, pool …
    • slap on a linear layer + softmax (or other suitable collater) in the end for classification
  • learns latent relations that contribute toward a class.

3.2. LSTMs (RNN variants)

  • semantics of the sequence of the data do not have to be explicitly incorporated into the architecture but are a part of the temporality of the data flow itself.
  • instead of multiple convolves and pools, we have a single RNN variant unit that process all of the sequence and the output is given then to a linear layer + any suitable collator for classification