
Table of Contents

An encoder-decoder architecture trained to reconstruct its input (hence the word auto (self)) passing via an intermediate embedding stage before the decoder maps it to the reconstruction.

  • A direct, non-reducing pipe (no characteristic hourglass) will result in no important condensed representation of the input being learned and is not of much use.
    • a bottleneck layer in the middle at the end of the encoder is important
    • note that this bottleneck layer should still be complex enough to be able to capture the semantic differences in the input distribution completely
      • for instance, 10 units for encoding the MNIST dataset (0-9 handwritten digits) is sufficient but going lower will result in unecessary semantic overlaps

The loss for the case of:

  • regression : mean squared error between input and reconstruction
  • classification : binary cross entropy loss between input and output binary vector

1. Denoising Autoencoder

A denoising autoencoder jitters the input with guassian noise and tries constructing the clean (denoised) variant of the noisy input by trying to map it to the original clean input.
