Strong Consistency

1. Overview

  • Definition of Strong Consistency: A consistency model in distributed systems ensuring that all nodes see the same data at the same time.
  • Key Features:
    • Guarantees immediate visibility of updates across all users and nodes.
    • Prevents anomalies such as reading stale or outdated data.
  • Use Cases:
    • Suitable for applications requiring strict data accuracy (e.g., banking systems, online transactions).
  • Comparison with Other Models:
    • Strong consistency vs. eventual consistency: Strong consistency prioritizes immediate correctness over availability.
    • Trade-offs often involve performance cost and potential system throughput reduction.

2. Variations via Quorum

with the following:

  • W : write quorum
  • R : read quorum
  • N : total nodes
Configuration R Description
R = 1, W = N fast reads
R = N, W = 1 fast writes
W + R > N strong consistency guaranteed
W + R <= N strong consistency not guaranteed