
1. Generic Aspects

1.1. Boredom

  • having a healthy relationship with boredom is important to achieve anything..
  • I am getting there slowly :- testing one's potentials with boredom and doing stuff even when it isn't exciting is what I believe is the difference between being passionate about something and also being a pro at it.

1.2. Relaxing

  • given that I'm a research engineer by day, aspiring writer, actively work towards my fitness goal every dawn, I recently asked myself a question that I didn't have the answer to: How do I relax?
  • I do read but that's just too much text for a day : I already read a lot for my work and towards my personal goals throughout the day in breaks and in dedicated sessions.
  • reading again to relax just doesn't feel right.
  • walking is something that does help me unwind but I don't particularly like to walk after a long day at work. I usually don't just walk and have a podcast/playlist running along side :- that is just more content shoved into an already intellectually-overloaded day.
  • music is something that I've been planning on getting into for a long time : I bought a keyboard around a year and a half ago. But, I haven't gotten around to actually dedicating practice sessions before I can get started playing without the stress of progress.
  • Socializing is good and all but not a long term solution: not a resilient approach to managing one's stress levels.
  • I have been meditating regularly for > 2 weeks now but that is not something that I do to relax and is more directed towards my goals of lucidity and practicing dream yoga.
  • I do not, at present (0x213A), have any hobby that I can get into, forgetting about my day and .., just relax..
  • Streaming stuff may make me forget about the day but it isn't exactly relaxing/healthy and is just a numbing agent

1.3. Sleep

1.3.1. 0x213B

My sleep cycles aren't the most heathy out there and am guilty of sleeping only 6 hours a night throughout the week, only to repay the debt over weekends and begin again the next monday. Now I do want to sleep more but I just happen to wake up without an alarm at 0330 hrs irrespective of when I sleep (until 2300 hrs); Given there are no siestas, throughout the day, this isn't a very healthy way to go about my life and goals. Huberman says "recaliberate your circadian rythms with sunlight…" - gonna try that. Have added warm showers pre sleep and considerably lowered my ambient temperature when I sleep now: been a day and I slept better but still was up at 0345. going to sleep again is just not worth it and I'd rather get some reading and writing done before my workout at 0530. I mostly retire at around 2230 and this isn't good. My morning caffiene and L-theanine is what fuels my workouts. Gotta put in the work, sure… But you also dial down on your rest.

1.3.2. 0x2120

  • sleeping when seated is something that I'd like to learn
    • a 15 min nap with good posture would be great when at work.
    • not talking about meditation
  • whenver I get into REM though, the spine relaxes and the head free falls if my neck is unsupported (which is how I work).
  • this could be a good candidate for how quickly one gets into REM phase -> just start a timer and try sleeping.
    • you start dreaming, your head falls ahead and you snap awake with a chuckle.
  • buddhist monks are said to be able to do so but I'm not sure if they are a fair comparison given their dream yoga practices.