The CNCF is a vendor-neutral open source community that fosters the adoption and advancement of cloud-native technologies. It defines cloud-native as:

  • Container-packaged: Software is packaged as container images.
  • Dynamically orchestrated: Containers are managed by orchestrators like Kubernetes.
  • Microservices-oriented: Applications are composed of loosely coupled, modular services.
  • Automated: Infrastructures and pipelines are managed declaratively and automated

1. Canonical Layers to Cloud-Native

1.0.1. Provisioning

1.0.2. Runtime

1.0.3. Orchestration and Management

1.0.4. App Definition and Development

2. Ancillary Pillars to Cloud-Native

2.0.1. Observability and Analysis

2.0.2. Platform

3. Projects

3.1. Devops

Project Utility
Argo CI/CD
Flux CI/CD
Helm App. Def. & Image Builds
KEDA AutoScaling
Kubernetes Orchestration

3.2. Compute

Project Utility
Containerd Container Runtime
cri-o Container Runtime

3.3. Storage

Project Utility
Rook Storage
TiKV distributed key-val store
Vitess Scalable Relational DB

3.4. Networking

Project Utility
Cilium Cloud Native Network
CoreDNS Service Discovery
etcd Service Discovery
Envoy Service Proxy
lstio Service Mesh
LinkerD Service Mesh

3.5. Security

Project Utility
Falco security & compliance
Open Policy Agent security & compliance
Spiffe Key Management
Spire Key Management
TUF Update System Security

3.6. Meta

Project Utility
fluentd Logging
Harbor Container Registry
Jaeger Distributed Tracing
Prometheus Monitoring & Alerts