Epistemological Cartography

1. Abstract

see Epistemology and Cartography. On the night of 0x2169, I found the idea of mapping abstract knowledge domains into a mental landscape to be quite attractive..

2. Stream

2.1. 0x2262

  • thought of working with the arxiv dataset https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/Cornell-University/arxiv
  • would help create a good map of the scientific knowledge from the past 30 years.
  • processing clusters would be more interesting than a single paper in terms of citation groups, etc.
  • big information, or, in the spirit of this node, big epistemology or to be slightly nerdier, macro-epistemology does sound like an interesting domain to get into.

2.2. 0x216A

  • Cartography usually refers mapping landscapes and terrains physically. I find the idea of mapping the abstract knowledge landscape.
  • might allow me to do some interesting things
    • abstractly map journeys between domains
    • define closeness and interrelatedness between domains
  • it might just have to be a math in itself
  • the physical world we experience is 4 dimensional (time + location): but I can explicitly see that I'll need to work in an indefinite number of abstract dimensions when working with an epistemological landscape.
  • I'll also have to develop notions of containing a domain within another
  • distance between two domains
  • how should I capture the indefiniteness between two domains?
  • need a more organic, flexible, non-rigid form of math that allows for possibilities: Probability might be a good starting point but there's a lot more that I need to reject than accept into the final model
  • once I correctly capture the notion of indefinite dimensions, I can start building up analogies of travelling between domains via different routes.
  • Symbolic Algebra could be a hyper-central node that allows you to reach any node fairly quickly.