
1. Overview

Side-channel attacks exploit information leakage from a system's physical implementation, rather than directly exploiting vulnerabilities in algorithms or code.

1.1. Examples:

  • Timing Attacks: Measuring how long a system takes to perform cryptographic operations to deduce secret keys (e.g., OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability).
  • Power Monitoring: Analyzing the power consumption patterns of a device during cryptographic operations to reveal key information.
  • Electromagnetic Emanations: Capturing electromagnetic signals emitted by a device to recover sensitive data (e.g., TEMPEST attacks).

1.2. Caveats:

  • Physical Proximity: Often require close proximity to the target system.
  • Specialized Equipment: May necessitate expensive and sophisticated equipment.

1.3. Mitigation

  • deliberate bottlenecks to mask internal differences can be useful (eg: bcrypt's deliberately slow hashing function)