Computer Networks

1. Abstract

The applicability of computer networks spans all of computer science. Topologies are everywhere and one cannot do without systematized communications between abstractions.

I'll be exploring networks in a whimsical manner across several domains and will fill in the fundamentals as and when I encounter them in a subject specific manner: will not be going for an end to end theoretical dive in these nodes but instead in focused burst of reads.

Also initializing a stream for a lot of the other domains that I explore will be rooted to this node in an unstructered manner.

2. Stream

2.1. 0x22F5

  • exploring swarm networks

2.2. 0x22EC

  • speed reading

2.3. 0x22EB

  • speed reading SDN: a system's approach
  • see Resources/books
  • heard about SDR on a podcast by OTW

4. Utilities

4.2. SSH

4.3. ab

4.4. netcat

4.5. Nmap

5. Projects

5.1. Building a Home Lab
