One-class classification

  • tries to identify objects of a specific class among all objects
    • using only a training set composed of that one class
  • note that a normal Classification problem has access to all classes in the training set.
  • applications in outlier-detection, anomaly detection and novelty detection
  • several one class algorithms :
    • one-class Guassian
      • assume data came from a guassian distribution -> maximize likelihood
    • one-class k-means
      • have thresholds to decide if new feature vector similar to existing samples
    • one-class kNN
      • similar process to that of k-means
    • one-class SVM
      • either tries to seperate all training examples from the origin and maximize distance from the hyperplane to the origin
      • or tries to obtain a spherical boundary around the data by minimizing the volume of this hypersphere