1. Basics

  • is a density based algorithm compared to its centroid based counterparts.
  • instead of having number of clusters as the hyperparameter, we have two hyperparameters now:
    • epsilon
    • n

2. Algorithm

  • breifly describing the algorithm:
    1. pick an unassigned sample randomly and assign it to new cluster
    2. count how many samples from this one are at a distance less than epsilon
    3. if this count is greater than n, all of these are assigned to the present cluster as well
    4. repeat this check for each member of cluster A. if the above conditions are satisfied (more than n in less than epsilon), the present cluster is updated with these new additions as well
    5. repeat step 4 until convergence of the present cluster
    6. when no new additions to the present cluster can be made, start building a new cluster from step 1. Terminate procedure when no unassigned clusters remain

3. Misc

  • DBSCAN can build arbitarily shaped clusters whereas others algorithms are bound to generate hyperspheres.
  • a major drawback is that tuning for two hyperparameters is much harder than tuning for one.
    • moreover, a fixed epsilon cannot account for clusters with different densities (they're still clusters)


  • removes the need to decide on epsilon and functions with only one hyperparameter (n - the minimum number of samples to put in a cluster).
    • tuning is easier.
  • fast implementations are present and can serve as a quick baseline for a clustering task.
  • read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN#Extensions