Generative AI

1. Abstract

1.1. Refining Gen AI outputs

In order of increasing effort:

1.1.1. Prompting with Context

  • provide more context with the regular prompt that you provide

1.1.2. Retrieval Augmented Generation

  • fetch relevant data from a database and append that to the prompt

1.1.3. Fine-Tuned Models

  • train foundational models further on your own data for refined responses

1.1.4. Specifically Trained Models

  • train models from scratch for that specific context that you wish to optimize for

2. Tools Index

2.1. Overarching Frameworks

2.1.1. Langchain

2.1.2. Llammaindex

2.1.3. Haystack

2.2. Vector Databases

2.2.1. pinecone
