
1. Book Notes

1.1. Book recommendations: Steps to follow:

  1. Gather all that you need to: Collation into a processing buffer
    • physical gathering
    • electronic gathering
      • notion, obsidian : too much : strat –> setup frame first, import gradually later on
    • mental scraping:
      • residues from things that you feel you need to do
  2. Processing the buffer
    • top first : no preferences
    • follow the GTD Algorithm : no favourites
    • Only decision making : only decide the next step and immediately organize
    • The Processing Algo:
      1. No action now
      2. Action required
        • mostly the most immediate physical action that needs to be taken
        • If expected time < 2 mins : do it
        • else if you're not in the know for the optimal action : research or deligate
        • else schedule
  3. Organizing requirements:
    1. Projects list
    2. Project support material : hierarchical context and narrow down
    3. Calendared actions and information
    4. Next actions list
    5. "waiting for" list
    6. Reference Material
    7. "Someday/Maybe" List
  4. Reviews:
    • weekly reviews to keep the system healthy

2. Template

2.1. Algorithm


2.2. Org base

2.2.1. INQ

2.2.2. NA

2.2.3. Projects

2.2.4. Tickler

2.2.5. Events

2.2.6. Consolidate

2.3. Recommendations

  • go through org-mode manual