Client-Server Architecture

1. Abstract

  • Distributes the operation of an application in terms of the providers of the service i.e. Server (mostly a server farm) and the requesters of a service i.e. the clients (usually larger than the number of servers)
  • the transfer of requests and responses is done over a Computer Network
  • Given the generic nature of the model described above, this gives rise to several abstractions needed to facilitate coms depending on several factors (scale, security, fault tolerance being some initial ones that come to mind)

2. Basic Layers

2.1. Presentation Tier

  • end users operate via this

2.2. Business Logic Tier

  • Web + Application Servers go here
  • These are clients to the Data Management tier

2.3. Data Management Tier

  • The Database Servers serve the business logic tier

3. Relevant Abstractions and notes
