
This is a decently overlaoded term with varying connotations across domains.

1. Programming

In programming, interfaces are contracts that define a set of methods or properties that a class or a type must implement. They are used to enforce a consistent implementation of behavior across different classes or types, facilitating polymorphism and decoupling the code.

  • Definition: An interface specifies what methods or properties should be available but does not implement them.
  • Use Case: They are particularly useful in situations where multiple classes need to implement the same set of functionalities but might do so in different ways.

2. Computer Networks

In the context of Computer Networks for instance, these are the agreed upon standards that devices on a network communicate by (HTTP, TCP/IP, bitstreams in the physical layer)

Regardless of the specific context, protocols provide a predictable and organized way to enable:

  • Interoperability: Different entities (devices, organizations, individuals) can interact smoothly as long as they all follow the same protocol.
  • Reliability: Well-defined protocols create consistency and minimize errors in communication or procedures.
  • Efficiency: Standardization allows for optimizations within the guidelines of a protocol.