Electronic Storage

Exploring this from the ground up - via electrons (Physics) to Logic Gates (Compute Science).

Will be unstructured as I'll be visiting this node from different perspectives over time.

1. Misc Technical

  • Some degrees of freedom in the context that enable variations in the physical realization of storage device are:-
    1. Speed of access
    2. The underlying Physics of storage
    3. Persistence of the data

For instance, speaking about two distinct instances:

  • qubits (quantum information theory)
  • the smoothened binary notion of day and night at the equator based on the position of the sun.

2. Sentinels

2.1. Cache

  • high speed memory taking advantage of the temporal locality of reference principle -> recenlty accessed data is likely to be accessed again.
  • caches are a good first step towards improving a DataBase's performance under multiple accesses.