
1. Publishing Pipeline

1.1. Pre-Mature

1.1.1. Misc

  1. Read. More.
  2. The Superpower that Solitude is.
  3. Climb the harder skill cliffs.
  4. You need to Hallucinate.

1.1.2. Programming

  1. Competence in a post-LLM era.
  2. The Polyglotic Programmer

1.1.3. Emacs

1.2. Draftable

1.3. Ideated

1.4. Produced

1.4.1. Programming

  1. GNU Stow
  2. The Editor Wars: A memoir
  3. Vim, But Why?

1.4.2. Emacs

  1. How to take smart notes with Emacs org-roam
    1. Emacs as your Intellectual HQ
  2. GCCEmacs
  3. Emacs, But Why?

2. Major Ideation Groups

2.1. Generic

2.1.1. Curiosity

2.1.2. Learning

2.1.4. The Reader

2.1.5. The Writer

2.2. OverArching

2.2.1. Book Reviews

2.2.2. Long Term Learning Logs

2.3. The Programmer Meta

2.3.2. Text (Perspective)

2.3.3. Text Editors

2.3.4. Programmatic Polymathy

2.4. Specific

2.4.1. lisp

2.4.2. Unix

2.4.3. Emacs

2.5. Core CS

2.5.1. Esoteric Algorithms

2.5.6. DataBase

3. Stream

3.1. 0x2339

  • generating time stamps for your transcripts using an mcp server integrated with an LLM is great.
  • using with mcp-cli : using the server ytdlp indexed in my .dotfiles

3.2. 0x22F2

  • Emacs has been working out for me
  • it seems to be just esoteric enough that people are interested in it without losing confidence in its applicabilities.
  • a few of my last videos have done quite well
  • some of them got picked up by the algorithm and are self-sustaining now
    • they have started popping in my "contents suggesting you" videos…
    • that's kinda great.
  • feel like I'm in it as a marathon now, not the sprint.

3.3. 0x229C

  • have tried quite a different things so far for youtube
  • emacs works to pull in audiences : this has been reeling in the audiences so far
  • other unix utilities are good to build a long term corpus for people to discover new things
  • lisp could also be great but I'll need to be more strategic with what sort of content I post
  • too specific and it becomes a tutorial
  • need to focus on the why so that the viewer is incentivized to get into what is being discussed
  • do not assume interest
  • a good thumbnail that strikes a cyber-mystic vibe could attract a lot of people : the beard helps
  • need to read a whole lot more for the kind of videos I wish to make.
  • going for several shorter videos (11 mins is a sweet mark) henceforth with a long one once in a while.
  • building a corpus of ideas that I can regularly draw from
  • will need to put the zettelkasten to use over time
  • need to be on the hunt as to what could suit my audience
  • regular generic notes and content creation will be needed.
  • a lot of reading and writing is necessary
  • tapping into the consumer's curiosity is what I might have not been explicitly focusing on so far.
  • rather than focusing on the tool, the thumbnails and titles should focus on what the consumer is missing out on.

3.4. 0x2279

  • there are phases to a good video
  • pre-prod, prod and post-prod
  • all the scripting, planning, and ideation comes in preprod
  • the actual shooting and collection of all clips needed comes is prod
  • the final collation of all in those clips is post prod
  • checkout video processing

3.5. 0x21EE

  • need to understand how I could document my current learning pursuits well
  • feel like I need to master relatively shorter formats (thinking 5 minutes tops)
    • video editing will be a necessary skill and a script will be mandatory as well to pack in as much content as possible to make it work for the reader.
  • will be focusing on technical and intellectual stuff initially and will start to work on branding my online presence a particular way
  • do wish to gain a decent viewership and actually provide value for them rather than capitalising on trends

3.6. 0x2143

  • initializing an iteration on my creation process
  • will be recording all feedback and relevant

3.7. (0x2122) YT Init : Incentives and Plans

3.7.1. History

  • second youtube channel
  • first -> to practice rhetoric
  • did help with working out the kinks in my communication skills

3.7.2. Abstract

  • writing a pretty good way to express yourself and show your work
  • albeit.., still incomplete : videos complement the process of expression
  • speaking into a camera, speaking from experiences, tricks you into thinking you're addressing a large audience - a pretty neat trick, I would say
  • I'm starting again with a slightly formal approach :

3.7.3. Settling into a Niche

  • Some topics that I'll explore initially:
    • Emacs -> instructive/customization
    • Common Lisp -> instructive
    • Programming Language Theory (Racket)
    • Book Reviews/follow-throughs (non-fiction/technical)
    • Interesting Research from different domains
    • Workflows, tools for relevant tasks
    • the occasional philosophical rant

3.7.4. The Long Term Plan

  • freedom of expression is a given
  • being free enough to express is what we generally lack…
  • targeting at least a video a week..