
1. Abstract

1.1. FFmpeg Overview

FFmpeg is a free, open-source command-line toolkit for multimedia processing. It functions as a comprehensive solution for handling audio and video files.

'skinparam linetype ortho
skinparam rectangle {
    StereotypeFontSize 10
    StereotypeFontName monospace

rectangle "Input\n(Demuxing)" <<file format>> as input
rectangle "Decoding" as decode
rectangle "Transformations (Optional)" as transform
rectangle "Encoding" as encode
rectangle "Output\n(Muxing)" <<file format>> as output

input -down-> decode
decode -down-> transform #line.dashed
transform -down-> encode #line.dashed
encode -down-> output


1.2. Core Features:

  • Decoding and Encoding: Supports a wide range of multimedia formats (video, audio, subtitles) for both reading and writing.
  • Transcoding: Converts between various codecs (e.g., H.264, H.265) to optimize compatibility and compression.
  • Manipulation: Enables cutting, trimming, concatenating, splitting, and rearranging audio and video streams.
  • Processing: Offers filters for color correction, noise reduction, resizing, and other effects.
  • Streaming: Facilitates sending and receiving live multimedia streams over networks.
  • Analysis: Extracts metadata and other information from multimedia files.

1.3. GUIs
