
1. Comment Stream

1.1. 0x21C8

  • been some time since I built the blog but haven't put out any content
    • should dive into the neurosymbolic AI perspective to really get stuff done.
    • literature sweeps and blogs might help me get the lay of the land
  • comparative reviews may help with actually may help attract audience.

1.2. 0x2196

  • realizing that to really write something useful, I'll have to start reading on what has already been written and find gaps in the market.
  • there are several kinds of blogs that already exist:
    • tutorials
    • exploration and elaboration of specific topics : enumerations over a certain topic, with comparisons if possible
    • extremely niche blogs that address a very specific issue
    • project blogs :- pretty rare
    • paper reviews : I can start with a foundational papers series
  • planning on exploring a little in the beginning and checking out what works and what doesn't
  • will be putting in a healthy amount of research and thought and into the works here.
  • should serve as an online index into interesting insights for something that hasn't been logged before
  • planning on keeping stuff more descriptive and really aid in someone's understanding
    • as if I was teaching my immediate past self, the one that hasn't yet encountered the said concept
  • will ofcourse need to stay a little more in touch with what's happening around the world in the domain of AI and will need to read a lot more than usual.
  • will also have to maintain the health of the technical details of the braind dump in here.
    • the final writing will only be sourced from the notes here.
  • initially, should try on just getting started and exploring smaller more niche topics that aren't covered by text books and may not be available readily
    • could blog about problems I'd faced in my own work.
  • avoid writing on exremely foundational content initially…
  • keep it practical and interactive if possible : using quarto rendered jupyter notebooks so could find a solution for interactive plots in there.
  • don't write formally deliberately if there isn't anything to write about: don't try and force content
    • doesn't mean I won't log my informal progress and findings in this zettelkasten
  • alright, I'm going on a noting spree where I'll be populating and connecting nodes in here to see what I can learn and what I'll benefit most from writing about

2. Production

An index of all that I write about, published, work in progress and prospective.

2.1. Published

time index Production code name link Category

2.2. Work in Progress

2.2.1. RLxATC

  • RL : CV + Deep Q learning (off of my head) to be applied to ATC
  • a series of blog posts covering the basics and there onwards.

2.3. Potentials

2.3.1. Imbalanced Datasets
